These cute little butterflies are lots of fun to make and are a great way for you and your mini-macaronis to celebrate spring!
- Card stock
- Water color paint and brushes or dot paints
- Glue
- Scissors
- Brightly colored ribbon or pipe cleaner
- Fishing line (for hanging)
- Cut a piece of cardstock 5 1/2 inches by 4 inches for the body.
- Cut out wings as in picture. I kept them one piece so I could glue the body on down the middle.
- Have the kids paint each piece, the body and the wings.
- Once the paint has dried, glue the rectangular piece into a cylinder.
- Glue the cylinder on the middle of the wings.
- Cut 2 pieces of ribbon or pipe cleaner and knot or twist one end of each.
- Glue the antennae on your butterfly with the knotted end up.
- Attach fishing line and hang so your butterflies will fly!
Be creative with whatever supplies you have. You could use glitter glue, sequins, or whatever else to enhance the butterfly.