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District 196 ECFE Fall Classes Are Still Available

Out-of-District families registration starts on 8/31 and will remain open until 9/21 for everyone.

August 18, 2022

We invite you to join our District 196 ECFE family as we share and learn together this fall. Supporting early childhood development and parenting is our passion. We offer a variety of classes with a focus on your child’s development stage and specific parenting topics of interest. We believe everyone deserves guidance through their parenting journey.

Register Today:

Parents Under Pressure  (Ages Birth-5 Years) Separating 

Are you feeling pressure to raise a genius? Or are you just anxious to learn how to help your child learn, grow and be ready for school? This class will share the latest research about how children learn. You will discover how your everyday, purposeful play with your child in the early years provides the groundwork for all the academics that will come later. Children are born wired to learn. Come away with easy, hands-on activities to lay the foundation for self-regulation, reading, writing, math, and science skills. 

Wed | Sep 7-Dec 14 | 1:15-3:30 p.m. | Fee A | Room 215 | skip Oct 19; Nov 23 | 648-215

A Little Bit of Everything (Parents Only) Virtual Class

Join us on zoom, whether you’re at home or at work on a lunch break. You’ll appreciate being able to check in with a community of parents and a licensed parenting educator on topics chosen by the group, such as communication, sleep, nutrition, life balance, social skills and problem solving. Dabble in a little bit of all things parenting. 

Wed | Sep 7-Dec 14 | 1:30-2:30 p.m. | Fee C | Zoom | skip Oct 19; Nov 23 | 704-206

Parenting Your Two- or Three-Year Old (Ages 24-48 months) Separating, Siblings welcome

This is indeed a special developmental time for you and your child. The transition from toddler to preschooler is in full swing and brings with it delight and surprise as children navigate their world. Hold onto your hat as your child takes you on this roller coaster ride. Language, motor development, social skills and handling big feelings are all a part of the everyday learning. Please register ALL children, including siblings, who will be attending class.

Fri | Sep 9-Dec 16 | 8:45-10:15 a.m. | Fee C | Room 118 | skip Oct 7, 21; Nov 4, 25; Dec 2


Parents and Preschoolers (Ages 3,4, and 5 years) Separating, Siblings Welcome

Three-, four- and five-year-olds are learning about each other and their world. They are connecting and communicating, socializing with peers, pushing the boundaries of their skills and learning to manage big feelings. Parenting through this stage of development is delightful and bewildering at the same time. Children play together and explore our early childhood environment with early childhood staff, while parents meet with a parent educator to exchange ideas based on current interests in parenting a preschooler. Please register ALL children, including siblings, who will be attending class. 

Thu | Sep 8-Dec 15 | 1:15-3:30 p.m. | Fee A | Room 118 | skip Oct 20; Nov 3, 24 | 315-118

Wide Open Spaces  (Ages 2-5 Years) Separating, Siblings Welcome 

In this class we will discuss ways children can interact with the natural environment and all the benefits of appreciating the great outdoors. A growing body of research links our mental, physical and spiritual health directly to our association with nature. Come and find out why we are becoming a ‘de-natured’ society. Our backyard has woods to play in, a rock river, grass and hills to run and roll, an outdoor easel and xylophones and a spacious playground. This class will include two local field trips to discover our community’s natural spaces. Please register ALL children, including siblings, who will be attending class. 

Tue | Sep 13-Dec 20 | 1:15-3:30 p.m. | Fee A  |  Room 118 | 318-118

Register Today:

Out-of-District families can register beginning 8/31, and registration will remain open until 9/21 for everyone.