Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical
Based on the animated television special “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” adapted from the story by Robert L. May and the song by Johnny Marks, Music and Lyrics by Johnny Marks, Script Adaptation by Robert Penola, Originally produced, directed and conceived by Jeff Frank and First Stage, Arrangements by Timothy Splain, Orchestrations by William C. White.
Stages Theatre Company (Mainstage Theatre)
1111 Mainstreet
Hopkins, MN 55343
When: Various performances from November 22 - December 28, 2024
Who: Recommended for all ages
Show Run Time: Approximately 70 minutes with a 10 minute intermission on evening and weekend performances. For school day performances there will be a short "stand & stretch” break.
Celebrating 60 Years on TV!
The Stages Theatre Company classic is back to celebrate 60 years of the beloved animated special! Join Rudolph as he navigates being a little different from the others on a mission to save Christmas. Based on the classic television special featuring all the characters and songs you love, this popular show is bound to bring all the festive feels this holiday season.
Purchase Tickets for Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical HERE