With Springtime finally here (or not?) it is time to start thinking about all the fun activities that you can do with the kids to get out and get some fresh air. Many times we think that the activities we do with our kids has to cost a lot of money. Lasting memories can be created with some of the most simple and low cost activities. Here is a list of some of those ideas:
- Plant seeds indoors to take out and plant into the ground when the weather warms up. Here is a link to learn about planting seeds indoors.
- Recycle a peanut butter jar into a bird feeder by following the directions here.
- Play with sidewalk chalk to decorate your driveway or sidewalk. You can make your own sidewalk chalk by following the directions here.
- Make a fun juice bottle bug catcher with directions here.
- Read books outdoors.
- Ride bikes.
- Have a bike wash to clean them up after being stored for the long winter.
- Learn how to play hopscotch here.
- Make an indoor fort on a rainy day with blankets draped over furniture.
- Chart how many robins you spot during the month.
- Create an April weather calendar by drawing a sun, clouds, rain, lightening storm for each corresponding day. At the end of the month tally how many days of each category. Find a calendar template here.
- Make a windchime. An example is here.
- Visit a local zoo: Como Zoo or the Minnesota Zoo.
- Go to a Twins game.
- Play at the park.
- Go on a scavenger hunt. Here is a scavenger template for you to use.
- Color some fun spring coloring sheets. You can find some of them here.
- Design and create a butterfly garden. Ideas to get started are here.
- Take the family out for an ice cream cone.
- Have a family barbeque.
- Hula hoop contest
- Put on your rainboots and stomp in the puddles.
- Go fly a kite.
- Learn how to make concrete stepping stones for the garden with your child's handprints. Ideas on how to make them here.
- Have a lemonade stand.
- Take swimming lessons.
- Get some friends or family together to play kickball.
- Play catch.
- Blow bubbles and you can make your own by following this recipe.
- Make puppets and have a puppet show. Click here for ideas for puppets.
- Go on a picnic.
- Play in the rain.
- Learn how to play Red Light Green Light. Click here to learn about the game.
- Have a bonfire and make smores.
- Have a tea party.
- Go to a local airport and watch airplanes take off and land.
- Play lawn games.
- Spring Clean together. Kids just love to be your little helper.
- Play floor hockey.
- Play in the sandbox.
- Camera Scavenger hunt. Here is a list for you to use.
- Make boats from recycled materials and race them in a piece of gutter. Click here to learn how.
- Make a windsock craft project. Click here for an idea.
- Have a family 3 legged race or a wheelbarrow race.
- Make a robot from empty boxes and other recycled items. Click here to find out how.
- Make a pinwheel. Find out how here.
- Paint spring pictures.
- Dig worms and go fishing.
- Make paper airplanes and fly them. Here are some cool airplanes to make.
- Learn to play tennis or pickleball.
- Plant a tree together and watch the tree grow as your kids grow.
- Look at the sky at night and see if you can find any constellations. Click here to learn what to look for.
- Face painting
- Make a colorful collage of cut out bright pictures from old magazines.
- Make your own playdough, oobleck, or slime.
- Make coffee filter butterflies. Click here for directions.
- Have potato sack races. Click here to learn how.
- Play badmitton.
- Dress-up
- Take a day trip.
- Make kool aid popsicles and eat them outside on a warm day.
- Swing on the swingset
- Play badmitton.
- Visit Minnehaha Regional Park with the Falls.
- Make a fort in the backyard.
- Jump rope
- Go camping.
- Visit a farmer's market.
- Make cards and take them to a nursing home.
- Go mini golfing.
- Fill a large bucket and let the kids play with cups, spoons, boats, squirt guns, etc. when the weather is warm.
- Fingerpaint outside.
- Go on a bug hunt to see how many different kinds of bugs you can find.
- Play basketball, pig, or around the world.
- Go running or walking.
- Paint a garden fence with colorful paints and let the kids get creative.
- Let the kids help you wash the car.
- Have a contest to see who can find the most things outside starting the a certain letter.
- Invite your friends over to play baseball or t-ball.
- Most of all have fun! Enjoy the Spring Everyone!
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